When you first receive an offer to purchase your home, it will be in writing on a contract form approved by the Florida Association of Realtors and the Florida Bar, and it will be accompanied by a deposit, usually a check in an amount ranging from five to twenty percent of the sales price. It is at this point that the benefits of having an experienced listing agent like Tauber Real Estate Services will become apparent to you. We will “present” the offer to you by going through the contract item by item and explaining each to you. Having been through this process many times allows us to give you sage advice on whether to accept the offer, reject the offer or make a counteroffer, which are your three choices. Depending on your choice, negotiations after the initial written offer often are conducted verbally until an agreement is reached. Only the very best listing agents know the intricacies of negotiating with a prospective buyer to insure that you don’t “leave any money on the table” and get the very best price for your home. When the buyer accepts your counteroffer, or you accept the buyer’s, we will insure that the appropriate written documents are created and properly executed. The deposit will be placed in our trust account to be held until closing.