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Create an Office in Your Home

During this unprecedented time, most of us are working from home. And since there is a good chance we won't be returning to the office or place of work for a while, it's worth putting a little effort into making your space comfortable and conducive to getting the job done. Here are some tips to help you adapt your home:


Designate a Specific Work Zone

While any flat surface could work as a desk, you want to look for a space that is somewhat secluded and quiet. Look for a space that offer easy access to outlets and good lighting. Bonus- if it's by a window which allows sunlight and fresh air.

In addition to a window, aim to have two sources of lighting: overhead lighting and a desk lamp to give you more direct light on your surface and keyboard. Looking at monitors all day can cause eye strain, and the proper lighting can reduce that.

Try and keep work materials organized to avoid having work seep everywhere into your home. If you have bins or shelves to hold folders, lists, documents, you will feel more organized and ready to tackle your projects.


Consider Who Else Uses the Space

These days, families are learning to work and learn from home. If possible, assign family members to separate spaces for less disruption and noise. Set a schedule to accommodate breaks and lunch.

Try and avoid common spaces like the kitchen or living room, unless you can create a nook or separate space away from common areas. If you need to be on a conference call or a zoom meeting, alert your family members with your schedule so you can stay focused and minimize interruptions.


Get Comfortable

It doesn't matter if you are sitting at a proper office desk or your makeshift office at a table in your home, if you experience aches and pains at the end of the day, you’ll be less productive.

When choosing your work surface, look for one that is close to elbow height when you are seated. If the surface is too high, you can use a folded towel, blanket, or pillow to increase your height.

And pay attention to how you sit. If possible, sit in a chair over the more tempting couch or bed. Try and keep your thighs parallel to the floor and make sure your feet rest on the floor.

Try and keep your elbows close to your side with your forearms parallel to the floor, creating a 90-degree angle between the upper arm and lower arm, Egbert said.


Set Up Smart

The position of your screen, keyboard and mouse are important. If you're using a PC, you want the monitor to be about an arm's length away with the top third of the screen at eye level. Laptop users should safely prop up the device so the screen is at eye level.


Make it Pretty

We're all under a lot of pressure these days, which can make work stressful and make it hard to focus. Adding a few personal touches can be a mood booster. Try placing some happy photos, your favorite coffee cup, or a plant or two around your space to re-energize and inspire you.


These days, our home is more than where we live, it’s where we work too. For more information on the finest homes in the Palm Beaches, contact a Tauber Real Estate specialist today at 561.626.4633.

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