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No Window over Your Kitchen Sink? No Worries!

No Window over Your Kitchen Sink?

No Worries!


Sometimes, a kitchen sink has a window above it, allowing for plenty of natural light and a lovely view. If your kitchen does not have a window over the sink, you may find it difficult to fill in the blanks. But we some ideas for you. Read on for our top windowless kitchen sink ideas.


Put Up a Mirror

When it comes to kitchen decor, mirrors are a great choice. They come in many shapes and sizes with various trims and frames. They can also be functional, by distributing natural light around your room. Because the window mirror is so basic, it can be used in a variety of settings. If you have a lot of vertical space above your sink, it would be ideal.



Install an Under-the-cabinet Wine Rack

Wine is a must-have for dinner parties or a relaxing evening at home. If you’re an occasional sipper or a wine connoisseur, you’ll need a storage solution regardless of the occasion. If you have cabinets over your sink and space beneath them, and under-cabinet wine rack might be ideal for the space.

The wine rack holds bottles and glasses and provides ample space for wine glasses. This could be a terrific alternative for you if you’re looking for a functional and beautiful wine storage solution.



Get Creative with Wallpapers

Wallpaper can elevate any room, especially the kitchen. Wallpaper has evolved into so much more than just backsplash covers, thanks to continuous advancements in wallpaper technology and design.

Old school thinking was that wallpaper, along with steamy, humid places like kitchens, don’t mix. However, you’ll discover that wallpaper is an excellent addition to any kitchen, capable of completely transforming the area.


Create a Focal Point with a Faucet

Making a tiny alteration to your kitchen may have a great impact, especially if it is functional and practical, and even better if it improves the aesthetics. A dramatic and elegant faucet can act as a piece of art. Faucets come in a variety of colors and patterns, making it simple for you to choose the right one to elevate your kitchen sing area.




Bring in Some Green

A shelf of plants, or a hanging group of herbs is an easy, inexpensive way to add color and nature over your kitchen sink. Adding live plants not only enhances the aesthetic, but you can also snip some herbs easily while you cook!


Don’t worry if you don’t have a window over your kitchen sink. There are plenty of ways to jazz your sink area. For more information on the finest homes in the Palm Beaches, contact a Tauber Real Estate Services specialist at 561-626-4633.



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